Hello Beautiful Soul,

My name is Natasha and I am a Self-Love Coach and Holistic Therapist, certified Female Sexuality Practitioner, Cacaoista & the founder of Lotus & Lion Ceremonial Grade Cacao.

Based in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire and online, I work with ceremonial grade Cacao & other soulful tools (including meditation, Reiki energy healing, human design and EFT) to help women who feel stuck and uninspired by the daily merry go round and monotonous grind of life to create time for themselves and to go from stressed out to blissed out, from lacking fulfilment to a life filled with passion, pleasure & purpose, from lost to found.

If you’ve found your way here, the chances are that you have been feeling the “there must be more to life than this” calling.

If you’re looking for a sign that you’re about to change that, then this is it. 

I am here to help you to take back control of your life and become the conscious, confident and powerful soul that you came to be.

Whether you book in for a massage, Cacao Ceremony or self-love coaching, I will hold a loving and non judgemental space to allow you to explore the blocks that are holding you back from experiencing the ease, flow and joy you desire.

As a result, your confidence, self love and trust in your own intuition will increase exponentially. 

I will be your biggest cheerleader, your greatest supporter and a loving shoulder to cry on, when the going gets tough. 

The inward journey back to self and the parts of you that you have been conditioned to abandon, is not for everyone.


There is nothing more worthwhile than investing in cultivating greater self awareness, your own growth, your own consciousness and ultimately, your own soul. 

Because when you understand yourself and your truth, you ignite your own unique power and that’s when things start to get really damn juicy.

How do I know this?

Because the journey I will guide you along, is one that I know very well.

One that I have walked myself. 

One that I am proud to still be walking because I truly believe that once you have the courage to begin the inner work, the learning never ends. 


I spent the first 18 years of my life experiencing abuse.

I used to spend a lot of time wishing that my childhood had been different.

However, since investing in my own inner journey towards self leadership and healing, I have come to realise that it is what I learnt from my traumatic foundations that have actually become my biggest strengths. 

This is where my resilience was crafted.

This is where my empathy stems from. 

This is where my burning desire to help other mums turn their struggles in to their strengths and pave the way for a more healed future for our children, originates.

This is the wisdom that is at my core.

I first sought traditional “help” in the form of counselling around the age of 18 after experiencing 6 bereavements in 6 years. 

I was depressed. I was traumatised. 

I did not want to be here.

Since then, I have spent my entire adult life exploring different helping and healing modalities and attending courses, workshops and retreats to broaden my understanding of the ways in which we as human beings can take responsibility for and alleviate our own suffering.  

Becoming a mum and nearly losing my life to sepsis 11 years ago, not only intensified my passion to live a heart led life on my own terms to show my daughter what is possible for her future but to help you to believe that this is possible for you and your children too.

Asking for help is not weak, it is not needy, it is not selfish…it is one of the bravest decisions you will ever make and I am 100% here for you and your courageousness.

If you feel called to explore how we can work together, please check out my SELF-LOVE COACHING or OFFERINGS pages or if you’re ready to book in for your massage, reiki or power hour life coaching session then BOOK ONLINE NOW.

Have a blessed day.

Love & Courage

Natasha .x.

P.S And for those of you are interested in my qualifications and experience…

  • Cacaoista (certified by Rebekah Shaman)

  • Female Sexuality Practitioner (certified by Temple of The Feminine)

  • Human Design Reader (trained by Emma Barfield)

  • Level 3 Personal Trainer

  • Level 3 Sports Massage Therapist

  • Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills

  • Reiki Master (Usui lineage)

  • Fitness Yoga Teacher

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) & Talking Field Therapy (TFT) Practitioner

  • Day & Weekend Retreat Planner

  • Corporate Wellbeing Host

And for anybody who’s super interested, what feels like a lifetime ago, I worked in the corporate world of Law for an international law firm based in Manchester.